How Nawa Works -It’s easy! CLICK, QUOTE, SERVICE.
We provide a link between you and suppliers for most services and products that you might require in Namibia.
On the left of the page are the categories in which we have listed suppliers. Simply click on one of these categories and select the services or products you wish to receive a quote for. The next page that opens is where you are required to provide more information about the service or product as well as your contact details. On this page you can also select which suppliers will receive an e-mail notifying them of the service or product you wish to enquire about. You will also receive an e-mail confirming the information that you provided and which suppliers will be provided with this information.
It is then up to the supplier to contact you, by e-mail or by phone, whichever you prefer.
Have any questions?
Get in touch today and we'll be happy to assist!