Avril Payroll Deduction Management is a Namibian owned company with the principle objective to provide a cost effective, secure and reliable deduction management solution to the Government of Namibia.
In 2003 Avril was awarded the tender to provide this service to the Government of Namibia. This entails the management of over 10,000,000 (Ten Million) transactions per annum.
The service is used by insurers, unions, banks, lenders and educational institutions to collect payments from government employees.
Avril has established a state of the art local processing facility complying with world best practice security and availability standards. This is in line with Avril's policy of developing Namibia expertise and capacity.
Avril Payroll Deduction Management (Pty) Ltd
3rd Floor
Mandume Park Building
c/o Dr. W. Kulz and Teinert Street
3rd Floor
Mandume Park Building
c/o Dr. W. Kulz and Teinert Street