Welcome to the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture’s website.
The mandate and actions of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture is inspired and guided by the National Constitution – Article 20 and National Vision Statement – Vision 2030. The Education and Training Sector Improvement Programme (ETSIP) represents the education and training sector’s response to the call of Vision 2030.
Pursuant of the National Objectives as highlighted in our national vision and NDP4, the Ministry continue to strive for continuous improvement in quality inclusive education, teaching and learning, improved learning outcomes, and the production of an education and skilled workforce needed for a productive and competitive Nation.
The Ministry continues to provide equitable inclusive education to more than 690,618 learners of whom, 32,793 are in Pre-Primary; 454,027 are in Primary; 203,798 are in Secondary phase of education.
Ministry employs 27,042 teachers who are teachingat 1,779 Government and government aided Schools. Overall, the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture currently employees 37,627 teaching and non-teaching staff out of the staff establishment of 39,000 thus, making it one of the biggest if not the biggest employer ministries of our Government.
Mandate:"To educate and train for sustainable national development & promote arts and culture.”
Vision: "To be the Ministry of excellence in providing quality inclusive education and promoting Arts and Culture for the prosperity of the Nation.”
Mission:"To provide accessible, equitable and inclusive quality education for a tolerant skilled, productive and competitive nation, to promote and preserve arts and culture for nationhood and unity in diversity.”
The website, which serves as our electronic information resource hub on matters related to education, arts and culture. While information on our operations on this platform is comprehensive, should you not find what you are looking for, please send an e-mail to info@moe.gov.na.
Windhoek, Namibia 9000