Oryx Properties is proudly Namibian. Oryx Properties is a balanced property fund listed on the NSX. We own a diverse, quality real estate portfolio comprising retail, industrial, office and residential properties. Of the two property companies on the NSX, Oryx is the only primary listing.
To remain at the forefront of the Namibian listed property sector.
To do this, we nurture our Namibian heritage and use innovative and progressive solutions to create sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits for our stakeholders.
Acquire premium-quality retail, industrial, office and residential properties and investments in property.
This will be achieved by acquiring or developing properties with growing income streams from quality tenants to secure sustainable, dependable and predictable long-term earnings growth and capital appreciation.
Our portfolio is mainly based in Namibia with one property in South Africa.
Our flagship retail properties include Maerua Mall and Gustav Voigts Centre in Windhoek, Namibia’s capital. We attract quality tenants and have 256 tenants in 28 properties, and an occupancy rate of 94.6% across commercial properties and 90.7% on the residential complexes.
We have a 26% investment in TPF International Limited (TIL) with an underlying Croatian portfolio valued at €92 million.
Oryx embraces the principles of corporate citizenship and embodies these in its interactions with local society, its unitholders, employees, the environment and all other stakeholders. In this way, we
contribute meaningfully to the economy, to social welfare and to the environment. We aim to build and sustain our corporate reputation and create conditions conducive to profitable business.
Guided by a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy, we focus on enhancing youth development, promoting environmental preservation and enhancing social welfare. Our CSR strategy includes a deliberate emphasis on social investment activities aimed at making a meaningful contribution to the local society. As a team, we also draw significant personal satisfaction from assisting our communities and find the various initiatives Oryx contributes to, and is involved with, incredibly rewarding.